Friday, October 23, 2009

happy friday

as always, i love fridays. my job is especially enjoyable on fridays. although i often have impromptu visits with students old and new, i do not have class on fridays so i am often alone. this might seem quite boring or lonesome to some people, but this is 'my' time. i love that i can put my music on (no one here seems to like my music *pout*) and enjoy the peace.

last friday was not a quiet, peaceful one. last friday, my boss' supervisor came in, unexpected, and informed us both that his (my boss) hours have been cut. it would seem that there was a reduction in our funding from the county and she has chosen to reflect that reduction by reducing my boss' hours.

it was a shock to us both. honestly, i would have thought i would be the one to have hours cut, as i am lower man on the totem pole. but that is not how it happened. i am the remaining full-time person. yes, the only one. and when he leaves (which he is working on doing as soon as he has a new full-time job) i will be the only person here, full-time or otherwise. *sigh* i imagine when that happens, i might not be so fond of my quiet, alone fridays. i imagine i will miss having someone to talk to at all.

so, for now, i will enjoy that my quiet fridays are rare times for me to enjoy some peace. i have a stack of notebooks next to me that i need to read through. they each contain essays that my students have written. i, being an evil teacher, require them to write essays to me every day. for those who are fairly good at writing, it is not a big deal. however, the majority of my students struggle in this area (which would be WHY i require essays daily) and they almost flinch when they hand me their notebooks. if essay-writing was not on the GED, i would not require it. honest. (i don't think they believe that, though...i'm pretty sure they are convinced i like torturing them this way).

so back to my original thought...happy friday. this friday is the beginning of a kid-free weekend for me, so it is especially happy. i get to spend the whole weekend with tom. my sweetie. have i mentioned i love him? i don't think i have said that on here yet, but i do. we have a connection like nothing i have ever had before.

again, happy friday friends. i hope you manage to find joy in your journey today and always <3

Saturday, October 17, 2009

lazy saturday mornings

today, for the first time in a very long time, the girls and i are sitting around in our pjs. we are not rushing to get dressed. we are not in a hurry to 'be' anywhere. yes, we do have plans a bit later on, but right now we are just enjoying a morning of nothing.

louisa is playing a game on the computer. not sure what it is, but she seems enthralled. sophia is playing her ds. she has been working hard on a naruto game that seems to thwart her after long bouts of almost winning. i am impressed she does not give up! mia is playing her ds and watching the big bang theory.

a few minutes ago, mia suggested a 'big bang day.' if you have not watched the big bang theory, then you might not appreciate what this means. but we love the show. LOVE it. the humor is silly and intellectual at the same time. we will not get to do a marathon of big bang today, but i think it is a lovely idea. perhaps halloween would be a good marathon day!

at noon, tom will be here to pick us up. we are going to go watch my friend, karen, sing with her sweet adeline group. i have heard her talk about them for years and am so excited to finally have a chance to see her perform. i am not sure how the girls will do, but we will take their ds' with us, also. that way they will have a distraction option, should boredom creep into the mixture. (on mute, of course)

so that is our lazy saturday so far. after the miserable day at work i had, i needed this. i hope you all enjoy your saturday, too.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


ok, here i am, not even a month since i rant on being single.....and i have found someone. yes, i have. seriously.

i decided to give '' a try. i don't know why. i had tried a few other online options before and they never quite worked out. this time, though, things seem to be heading in a very good direction.

so, his name is tom. he's 45. divorced. lives 10 minutes from me. one son in college. what else do you need to know? um...yes, he has a job. yes, he has a car. he is very attentive and romantic. it's alllllll good!

our first date involved dinner at the outback steakhouse (where the waiter flirted with me and tom joked that it would be a bummer of a first date if i had left with the waiter) followed by a trip to sarris candy. now, i have never been there, but i knew that they make the very best chocolate covered pretzels on the planet. not kidding. heavenly.

my next thing i will ponder is what to do with all of these 'friends' who don't seem to understand what this means. some are yelling at me that i am going too fast. some seem to think i need to stay single longer. i say that things happen when god thinks they should and that's all that matters to me.

my joy.... sophia, amelia and louisa