ya know, i try not to make this blog a place to complain. i prefer that it be stories and things that i hope to remember someday. but today, i'm going to vent. so if you are not one who enjoys reading vents, check back next time ;)
so i dated this person for about four months, from october to december. he seemed like a great, loving, sweet and friendly person. then he went psycho. at one point, some mysterious 'friend' hacked my laptop, email and facebook accounts. that friend then shared all kinds of information with this person i was dating. he, in turn, flipped out. after my head stopped spinning, and i thought that was all resolved (he SWORE it was not him) we continued on our merry way of dating. unfortunately, that did not last long until he showed his true colors.
he was controlling, and really just plain mean. he continued to harass me via emails for a while because i refused to get back with him. (yeah, cause calling me the c*&% word is a great way to show me how much you love me!) i ended up filing a police report, but then it seemed he had given up. of course, it didn't hurt that i changed my phone number and blocked all emails from him.
i got an email on valentine's day. interestingly enough, it was
somehow sent to me from my own email account. it was titled 'reminder' and it said that i should do three things.... first, call my ex and tell him i love him. next, apologize for being a jerk. finally, get a sitter and do something nice for said ex.
um... yeah. no. now, i gotta say that i lost all patience at that point. i replied to his email address, calling him very specific curse words and telling him to leave me alone. *sigh* i probably just fed his need for attention and acknowledged that he got to me. oh well.....
so my vent is that i don't understand why some people are just assholes. i mean, really... why keep bugging me? why not move on? why not leave me alone?
oh, and if you are wondering about how he managed to send me an email from my account... the lovely peoples at yahoo investigated and explained to me that he changed the 'to' and 'from' parts, but did not actually access my account. they said this is a common issue that they are facing.
i suppose i need to visit the police again. wouldn't it just be easier if he'd move along and find something else to do with his time?
ok, vent is now over. back to my regular blogging :D