so tonight i had sent the girls to bed. i was watching a movie and knitting (and facebooking) when louisa came downstairs. she said that sophia was sad. i told her to have sophia come downstairs. it took a few times asking, but she finally came down. she was indeed crying. she came over to me, leaned her head against my shoulder and sobbed out, "i'm the chubbiest person in my family! sarah is thin. aunt dottie is thin. aunt colleen is thin. cassie is thin. i am the only chubby person in my whole family!" she went on to list her friends who are thin.
it brought back so many memories, in little flashes, of times when i felt down about my weight. i talked to her a bit, but it was obvious she was over-tired and just letting it all out. i told her to lie down on the couch (knowing full well she would promptly fall asleep, which she did).
now i wonder how to proceed from here. she really has a lot against here, genetics-wise. it's the lovely mcgrath genes. they are hard to battle. also, if she has pcos like i do, it could be a battle that she simply cannot win. i don't know when we can find out about that, but i watch her constantly and wonder. i think i need to get back into my exercise routine and have her join me, like it or not. once the adrenaline bug hits her, she might stick with it. it does not help that her dad is rail-thin and seems to think it's an easy thing to be... um, yeah. simple. exhole!
as i listen to her breathing, i pray that she will find a way to accept her body as the one God gave her, thin or not. I might also seek out someone with whom she might enjoy running or exercising. Gotta put some thought into that one.
in the meantime, i feel so bad for her. she is almost 11, heading straight into puberty and mean girls and body changes and pimples and being fat. ugh. God, give her strength and awareness that it's not about looks, but what is in her heart. and give me strength to continue to be the shoulder she cries on.