Monday, September 7, 2009

president obama is going to address the school kids tomorrow

this has been part of a hot debate on facebook, as well as all over. i have tried to give my two cents without stressing too much, but it really is getting to me. i mean, i am not 'stressed' over it, but it is upsetting.

my kids are smart. really. yes, i am a bit biased, but i also have the iq tests to prove it, ok? and i am always talking about things with them. they know they can ask anything, and i will do my best to answer their questions. we have discussed my job a lot. and they will tell you that there is NO WAY that they will ever drop out of school. to them, it is not even an option.

but i have a classroom full of students who must not get that message at home. i have no idea what message they get or got, but it was definitely not, "stay in school, work hard, do your best, make something of yourself" and that is why i now have them in my classroom. they did not stay in school. they did not work hard. they did not do their best. they did not make something of themselves. yes, they are trying to fix that all now, but imagine how much easier it would have been, had they chosen a different path.

why is it so awful for the president to address our students??? i realize that many 'right wing' conservatives believe he is going to try and sell his health care agenda to our kids. um... really? do you think they would sit still for that?? as it is, most kids don't have the attention span for a speech, let alone a speech about health care. uh uh.

no, i think it is more a case of people who simply stand against anything and everything president obama tries to do. the man could find a cure for cancer, and i imagine there are those who would refuse the treatment because it is from him. cut off your nose to spite your face. knwo that saying? that's what they are doing...they are sending a message to their kids, that the president is not to be listened to, to prove they are in control. and in 20 years, when their kids don't care who runs, i wonder if the parents will remember sending that messgae. probably not.

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my joy.... sophia, amelia and louisa